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Some foods are commonly at high risk to induce hazardous drug-interaction to cause a side effect from the medicine or may cause a new side effect to get you worse or even worse.


In this section, we are going to show the combinations of medicines and foods that should not be mixed together. Please read this and hopefully, you can find out which drug and food combination. 

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Please avoid taking much of Green-Yellow Vegetables.

Tyramine poisoning (facial flushing, headache, sudden rise in blood pressure, etc.) may occur as the drug interferes with the degradation of tyramine contained in large amounts in cheese.



Don't eat with cheese.

Tyramine poisoning (facial flushing, headache, sudden rise in blood pressure, etc.) may occur as the drug interferes with the degradation of tyramine contained in large amounts in cheese.



Cheese is a food with a particularly high content of tyramine. Avoid excessive intake of foods with high tyramine content (such as herring and shellfish) and favourites (such as beer and wine) except cheese.

Don't drink with milk.

The components of the drug combine with calcium in milk, reducing the absorption and action of the drug.


Remarks 1:

 It is desirable to avoid taking milk for about 2 hours after taking the drug.


Remarks 2:

Avoid taking large amounts of milk.

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Don't take with Grapefruit juice or Grapefruit.

Certain components contained in grapefruit pulp inhibit drug metabolism in the small intestinal epithelium, resulting in an increase in the blood concentration of the drug. As a result, over-efficacy of the medicine may lower blood pressure and cause symptoms such as headache and dizziness.


​Remarks For many drugs, taking into account the intestinal residence time, the effect is small if it is about 2 hours after taking the drug. However, it is desirable to avoid drinking grapefruit juice as much as possible for the drug taking period, since the duration varies depending on the drug. The possibility of interaction development is low in orange, lemon and orange.

Don't drink with alcohol.

Alcohol affects many drugs and stages of absorption, metabolism, etc., and it greatly changes blood concentration, so avoid using in combination with drugs.


For example, Alcohol raises the blood concentration of the drug, and there is a risk that its action will be enhanced and side effects will also occur.


In addition, Alcohol also has a central neuro-suppressive effect, which may enhance its action.

Don't take with Caffeine.

Caffeine can weaken the effects of drugs such as Clonazepam (antiepileptic drug) and Zopiclone (hypnosis sedative). 


Fluvoxamine (antidepressant/anxiety drug) can control the decomposition of caffeine, however, by suppressing the degradation of caffeine in the body, central nervous system stimulation (neural hypersensitivity, irritability, insomnia, etc.) may be expressed.

Prevention for specific foods: Features
Prevention for specific foods: Video

If you want to see more information, we highly recommend you to visit this website.

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